Yes, we have made it to France a solid two weeks ago and have FINALLY settled ourselves in the south for the summer. Let the blogging continue. As for me personally, I'm about 95% back to normal. A touch of soreness here and there, but other than that, no other complications. I've just hit the two month mark and am slowly starting to get stronger and lift heavier things, and I guarantee Adam's grateful since he's been the one hauling all the luggage this whole time. When we hit the ground, running errands in Paris the first couple of days, we were both absolutely exhausted, so out of shape. But then again, that's what happens when you realize you haven't done much physical activity since around sometime in April. At least walking more than 10 minutes no longer feels like a workout where I need to rest. Thank god, or I could never survive Europe!
So what have we been doing with our lives since our arrival? Hmm, good's been a blur. Let's see, about half of that time we were fighting jet lag as we crashed with our friends from the American Embassy in Paris. Then, the rest of that time constituted us checking out the summer sales, buying a car (it's a short lease), meeting our British landlord for next year's apartment, buying French renter's insurance, getting lease papers signed, storing half our luggage at the school, getting yelled at over the phone by the Prefecture while trying to figure out how to renew my visa (No, I can't make the appointment over the internet, your website doesn't work! you won't make the appointment for me?, I tried that website and it doesn't work!...and what is the point of your job again? i didn't say that last part, i don't know that much french ; ) Actually, my phone cut out on the woman, so now I probably look like and even bigger bitch to her, sigh), and hitting the road for a whirlwind tour of what else this country had to offer besides Parisians.
Honfleur Habor
Life on the Farm - Living quarters for this Chambre d'hôte
DDay US Cemetery at Oklahoma Beach
Utah Beach Museum
Adam in a bomb crater at Point Hoc
And that's how we lived for the next week. We bought a campground guide book and planned our route of travel based on the sunshine and the amount of remoteness of the sites. Our experience camping is a whole other post in the making, but let's just say that the French idea of camping was not quite the same idea as ours.
In a nutshell, from Normandy, we headed south to the Loire Valley for a couple days, visited Saumur to see its Castle, stopped at a couple caves (one in a country chateau, the other actually inside the face of a cliff) to taste and stock up on wine, then made our way back to Versailles to finish up some paperwork for next year's lease. Then, hitting rush hour traffic, on a Friday, at the beginning of the French summer break, we started our (what should have been about 7hr)11 hour journey south to our final resting spot for the next 5 weeks.
Strolling along the banks of the Loire River
The Castle at Saumur
Hillside Art Galleries and Caves (yes, the cave where wine is stored)
We must have at least 2000km already under the tires, and I am totally fine not driving any more for a long time.
Click here for more pics from our Normandy road trip.