Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Foire Canine

A quick one here: Sunday was the foire canine, or dog fair. From what we've heard, it used to be held up here in the village, and after mass (it's always on a Sunday), a few select dogs would be blessed by the priest in the church a few doors down. Heh!

But these days the fair takes place just outside of town, so we drove a few minutes and checked out the scene. The dogs were predominantly hounds, which are fun dogs to see, but we were hoping for a bit more variety. There were two young St. Bernards that reminded me of that 90's kids flick, Beethoven.

Anyways, the dogs were caged up, trying to get what shade they could on a very hot day, and some were ready for the camera. In one pen, they were taking turns standing / laying in the drinking water.

Unfortunately, the density of the animals were sending my allergies into an uproar, so our time there was cut a bit short...

Okay, so this guy wasn't in the fair, but he seems to be one of the locals in the village.

1 comment:

  1. SO cute!!! Dog fair...what a great idea. I love that first pup! Too bad about your allergies!
